Toughest Trivia
1) What does “HMS” stand for in the famous Gilbert & Sullivan operetta “HMS Pinafore”?
- Heavy Metal Sound
- Her Majesty’s Ship
- Her Modern Style
- His Married Sister
2) Which animals have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand?
- Camels
- Ducks
- Snakes
- Turtles
3) Who played a leading role in “Jumanji” from 1995?
- Ron Perlman
- Robin Williams
- Stephen Baldwin
- Tamio ki
4) Which is the tallest mountain in the world and is known to grow 1/4 of an inch every year?
- Mount Everest
- Mount Shasta
- Mount McKinley
- Pike’s Peak
5) A great white what can have up to 3,000 teeth?
- Clam
- Lobster
- Shark
- Whale
6) How many legs do spiders have?
- Eight
- Four
- Six
- Ten
7) What animal’s horn is made of compacted hair?
- Camel
- Giraffe
- Horse
- Rhinoceros
8) Blueberry Jelly Belly jelly beans were created specifically for which President?
- Abraham Lincoln
- Andrew Jackson
- George Washington
- Ronald Reagan
9) Which animals can hold their breath for up to 45 minutes?
- Ant
- Beaver
- Pelican
- Squirrel
10) In 2004, the Miami Dolphins had to rearrange their schedule because of what?
- Electricity Shortages
- Hurricanes
- Loss Of Players
- Tornados
Great job! If quizzes were an Olympic sport, you’d definitely be on the podium.
Wanna try again?